The Sky is Alone es un jueguecico (herramienta?) que he hecho en 2 días. El cielo está solo por la noche y tú le das compañía dándole las estrellas.


E - Modo Escalar

Q - Modo Rotar

Rueda del ratón - Editar

Click Izquierdo/Derecho - Crear/Destruir estrella

F - Poner/Quitar FullScreen

P - Hacer captura de pantalla (se guardará en screenshots) (Solo versión de escritorio)

Escape - Salir del juego

The Sky is Alone is a little game (tool?) developed in 2 days. The sky is alone at night and you give it company by giving it the stars.


E - Scale Mode

Q _ Rotate Mode

Scroll Wheel - Edit

Left/Right Click - Create/Destroy Star

F - Switch Fullscreen

P - Take Screenshot (saved in screenshots) (Only desktop version)

Escape - Quit Game


Download 24 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and execute The Sky is Alone. It's important you don't delete the screenshots folder (or recreate it if you lose it).

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